NOTE: This recap was a lot more picture heavy than I had planned... Lol.
Welcome welcome to one of the most hilarious Pretty Little Liars recaps in the fucking history of Pretty Little Liars!! Tonight we'll join the Pretty Little Liars while they have the most amazing and epic prom ever!! Without further ado, let's begin!!
We start this episode off with a Woosh-Woosh-Woosh-Woosh where all the mothers are talking to the Liars about how they can't not only go to Prom, but they can't walk across the stage and get their diploma's. As Emily cowers, "We'll have to get our diploma's by mailbox!" Spencer is crying and lashes out how she did that entire Valedictorian speech for no fucking reasons. Poor Spencer, I would have loved to hear that speech! Anyways, did anyone else think it was strange that the parents accepted Alison into the Barn Prom? Isn't Alison one of the main reasons the Pretty Little Liar's has been targeted for years? Oh well, on with the episode. Our five girls meets up at the Brew to talk about the unfairness that is the School Board.
Aria: Yeah well, it could be worse...
Hanna: O_o.... HOW?!
Aria: I'm thinking!!!
The girls continues to talk about the psycho stalker that is Charles and when they realize Alison isn't looking too happy they change topics to what's his face, Clark Griswald or whatever. Then they walk about Rhys who they still think is Charles, blah blah blah. We all know Rhys isn't Charles, Marlene would NOT do that to us... would she?? Anyways, Lorenzo walks into the scenes and everyone eyes him cautiously. Alison cannot possibly stand sitting there looking at Lorenzo so she goes up to go to the bathroom when all of the sudden... BLING BLING, RING RING!(BTW I love Sasha's nails!!)

After DA CREDITZ ROLLED, Aria is still at The Brew with Ezra Fuckin' Fitz and Aria is trying to come in contact with Clark. Where did Clark go? Is he in hiding? Is he really working for Charles?? Could HE be Charles?? After Ezra tells Aria that it isn't her job to be contacting him, Ella Halliwell comes into the scenes with a bright smile on her face. It's revealed that Aria won first prize from the Gallery Contest and she gets to go to L.A.!!!! YAY FOR ARIA!!! Then she and Ella gets into an argument about Charlie D and Ella just gives Aria this hilarious look...
Ella: O.0... You need a sandwich.
LMFAO this is hilarious!! Then we find out Ezria will be going to Fake Prom with each other even though we all knew this was going to happen. Big whoop. Across town, Hanna meets up with Caleb who is acting extremely sketchy! Apparently Mr. Caleb's Dad(I forgot his name...) hightailed his ass out of Ravenswood and headed for New York City where he invited Caleb to spend a couple days with him. While Caleb is doing something up front, Detective Hanna comes into the scenes and snoops through his bookbag. If Caleb is going to NYC to spend time with his Daddy, then why does he have a really big and bulky laptop with him? Hmm, interesting stuff here. When Prom got brought up, Caleb brushes it away like it isn't even important which clearly saddens Hanna. Poor Hanna doesn't have a boyfriend interested in Prom. Aw well.
Across the ways, Emily and Sara are hanging out and Emily asks Sara to prom. Big whoop.
The next scene is really up there because Toby and Lorenzo got called in to the PD and it's revealed Lorenzo got fired!! Remember when Alison stole the keycard? YEP! That's why Lorenzo got fired!! While he and Toby's discussing this, Spencer comes up in a panic begging them to let her speak to Tanner, but Lorenzo gives Spencer a death glare and declares Tanner wants nothing to do with Spencer or the other Liars anymore!! So Lorenzo's not a cop anymore, boo hoo Lorenzo.

We're at Hanna's and she's trying to desperately get in touch with Caleb. She's pissed Caleb's lying to her most likely and when Ashley interrupts, Hanna hightails it to the porch to talk to Caleb. This is when we get some insight from Ashley Marin. After Emily tells her they're not getting dressed up or anything for prom, Ashley instills it in Emily's brain that basically since the girls have been robbed so much in their lives, they should take the Senior Prom back for themselves and have a wonderful time with each other and have a blast. Honestly, best advice ever from Ashley Marin! After Hanna comes back inside the house, she continues to call Caleb to no avail.

Now down at the DiLaurentis house, someone with a Blocked ID is trying to contact Alison. When she answers the phone, she immediately assumes it's Charles and he is not happy. Alison announces she's not going to the stupid prom, and when she begs him to talk to her, he disconnects and rushes across the window out of Alison's sights. Alison better be careful or else she'll make the wrong step...
At the Brew, Spencer set up a meeting for her and Lorenzo. She starts to apologize for Alison and her very impulsive ways of living. Spencer tells Lorenzo that he actually gave Alison a chance, but Lorenzo says he gave her more than just that, and all that good stuff. Spencer brings up that while he has been used and abused more than once by Alison, Alison really has changed. And while Alison's afraid and desperate and all that stuff, she still needs a man like Lorenzo in her life. Awww, so sweet!! I think what's even more sweet is the fact that Spencer is defending Alison and her new characteristics. You can clearly see the character development in everyone's characters even though most of this season was A Season of Fillers, but let's put focus back on Last Dance, shall we? Lorenzo doesn't say anything more, and goes to leave the Brew with Spencer hoping she did something to make Lorison all the better.

Later that night, The Mother's are having their own little party with wine and seafood!! Pam comes into the house with more delicious food right after some thunder sounded. There are two cops she knows outside watching the house as well. After Mama Superior(Veronica) offers the other Mom's some wine, all three starts to decline, but then after a split second all three changes their minds and accepts the glasses of deliciousness! When Alison approaches the scenes, she's gleefully walking in her yellow dress and spots a Mrs. Pam Fields watching her and she gives Pam the most hilarious smile and wave while there is thunder crashing and lightning flashing.
Suddenly we're shown a creepy mother fucking goat man mask watching Alison!! Seriously, that is one of the most creepiest masks to ever be on PLL!
When Alison realizes the mothers aren't watching anymore, she hightails it out of the yard with the goat mask man red cape following her footsteps!!!

We FINALLY get a fucking sneak peek at what the fucking barn looks like!! Melissa redid everything to make it look really fucking nice. There's a huge TV in it, the fireplace is fucking awesome... I would love to live in that place! Hanna confronts Toby threatening that if she finds out Toby's been plotting with Caleb... which he swears he hasn't. We get more awesome footage of the decorated barn too, I am really impressed!! Outside, the Mom's are standing around with their glasses of wine while discussing what's been happening during the past six seasons of Pretty Little Liars... Lol, fucking finally. Ashley demands to know how Charles kept this whole thing a huge secret from everyone but the Liars, and Ella makes this HILARIOUS expression ever!! She adds to the fact that Jessica was in on Charles' existence as well. After Mama Superior spills on some secrets, she's shocked at herself that she did so and even spills some of her wine, and Ella hilariously asks for more secrets!! LOL!!! This is hilarious!

In the Barn, Aria goes to check on her phone when Ezra's phone goes off and OMFG HE'S LEAVING THE COUNTRY!!! THANK GOD!!! While Aria is contemplating this new info, Emily reveals that Noel Kahn is still relevant and he brought Bridget Wu to the dance! Bridget is already so drunk on Tequila AND she put her fucking dress on backwards... FACEPALM!!! What a fucking idiot!! Aria makes a comment that Alison would totally make a comment about Bridget's dress and when Aria asks where Alison is, Emily just assumes that Alison wants to make a grand entrance to the Barn.
We're back at the school where everyone at Rosewood High is having a grand ball! I immediately noticed there were creepy red caped people serving drinks... Is that a clue?? While Alison goes off to search for her brother, she isn't aware that he's right behind her? Hm... Clark is at the school being a creepy fuck as always snapping away at pictures and shit.
Back at the Barn, the Liars are having a judging competition on what everyone else is wearing at the prom... I have to ask... HOW are they getting this information anyways?? On Twitter? Because I cannot see anyone at that dance sending anything via their phones...? Actually I guess they created an app identical to Pinterest and are sharing their prom memories that way. Cute. Then they see a photo of Alison photobombing someones prom pictures and OMFG ALISONS AT THE PROM?! SHE'S GOING TO MEET CHARLIE D?! OMFG... Outside the Barn, the Mother's are on Daughter Watch while the storm is continuing. They're drunk off their fucking rocker's and are continuing to talk about Peter's infidelity. Mother Superior admits she can't be in her backyard anymore since that's where Charlie buried his mother and Veronica has to be tortured by that for the rest of her life.
After Pam brings up a very important question, "Should we check up on the girls?" Ashley shakes her head and says they need to check up on Veronica instead... Oh dear, Ashley, why???

At the Prom, it is fucking JAMMING!!! But an interesting question needs to be brought up... how did the girls and their dates enter?? They needed a prom ticket, right? So weren't those taken away or something? Even so, looking around the prom, not a lot of people are even there. What's more, they couldn't get Brandon, Brant, or Tammin to make an appearance at the Prom. Jeez. After Aria runs into Clark Griswald, even more suspicions builds into Clark's character. Why is he at the prom? Is it really only to take pictures?? Hmm... Aria isn't sure what to believe. Can we blame her? Suddenly some fucking old ass hag of A BITCH approaches Aria and Clark demanding Clark step away from Aria and Aria needs to leave the prom voluntarily. What a fucking HAG!!!! While the Liar's and Co. are looking for Alison and Alison is looking for Charlie D, Alison gets a text message!!

While Alison is seeing so much Red and is wondering if they're Charles DiLaurentis, we're focused back on the others. When they finally catch Alison, they run towards her only to be left Alison-less who is off running in another direction.
Back with the Mothers, Veronica is drunk as FUCK and while the others are trying to get her to eat, Veronica is gleefully chuckling out nonsense. Ashley, Ella and Pam are desperately trying to get Veronica's head away from Charles by commenting on Veronica's dish tray, but Veronica ain't having it!!!
Veronica: It isn't bad enough that this bitch tried to steal my husband, but her sicko son had to bury her in our back yard!!!
Ashley(referring to the platter): Is... is it crystal?
Veronica: Ten feet away from my lilacs!
Ashley: Maybe we should put on some music...?
Veronica: This deranged freak tried to frame my entire family!
Then let's thank Pam Fields for spicing up this entire fucking anger rant by Veronica...
Pam: Maybe it wasn't Charles. I mean I know he put our daughters through hell, but I am just saying maybe we can't pin all of this on him.
Ashley: You can't possibly be defending--
Pam: NO, NO! I'm just saying... I'm just saying... maybe somebody else buried Jessica out there....*slurrrp, slurrrp*
Veronica: Like who?!
Pam: Like her husband!
After Veronica puts her feet down and declares she's getting answers from Kenneth DiLaurentis, Pam makes this HILARIOUS move by slurping down more wine before she went to join the other mothers!!
Back at the Prom, the Liar's and Co. FINALLY approaches Alison!! They're trying to get some sense into Alison, but Alison's demanding they leave her the hell alone! They don't however, and follows her after she tries to escape from them. Suddenly Sara make a grand entrance... WITHOUT a fucking ticket! What the fuck is going on here?!
We're back with the Mother's where Veronica is demanding to know where the fuck Kenneth is! Ella wants to know if Pam closed the front door, but Pam is like. "I AINT GONNA LEAVE MY FINGERPRINTS AROUND HERE!" ROFL!!! Veronica notes that Kenneth really is there because he left his scotch and glasses on the table where there's a manila envelope just waiting to be opened. Pam notices Kenneth received something from the Police and Veronica snatches is up, telling the Law to go fuck itself! YOU GO, MAMA SUPERIOR!!!! They all see a picture of Jessica, baby Alison, Jason and Charles when OMFG RHYS MATTHEWS IS IN THE HOUSE!!! OMFG!!!
Back at the Prom, Alison is so close to entering a place for a secret rendezvous with Charles when Spencer begs Ali not to do what she's about to do! Alison drops a bomb saying that Spencer never understood her OR even liked her.... OOOH BURN!!!! Hanna gets the shock of her life when Caleb surprises her at the prom. Awww!!! Okay so how did HE get a fuckin' ticket?! Is that one scene where Red Coat giving Charlie D the two tickets mean NOTHING?! Anyways, Caleb will only spill the beans if Hanna has one dance with him. Whatever.
Back at the DiLaurentis home, Rhys is confused on why the Mother's are there. Pam tries to bring up an idea, but Ella and Ashley and Veronica shuts her up... LMFAO ISN'T THIS AMAZING?! We're watching the Pretty Little Mothers basically!!
Ashley: Hanna thinks the Carissimi Group is connected to Charles...
Ella: I think we just met Charles.
Move over boys, there's a new hunk in town! Ladies and Gents, meet Alison's future husband Dominic! Does he have any connections to the Charles mystery? Or is he really a new love interest for Ali in Season 6B? Time shall tell. While Ezria is dancing, Ezra's keeping an eye out on Ali while Aria's keeping an eye out on Clark. Spencer's butthurt because Alison called her out on the hatred between the two girls. Aww poor girl. I do understand Spencer though and then Toby brings up the stupid speech for Commencement. Then we have an Emily and Sara scene. Yeah. Big whoop.
While Ezria is dancing some more, Aria confronts Ezra about his flight to L.A. but Ezra reveals he joined the Habitat for Humanity and he'll be going to Thailand to work with Nicole. Is Emily still going to Thailand too or is she going to Nicaragua? Seriously, she promised both Nicole AND Zoe... who will she choose??
Spencer and Toby's still talking about the speech which is about how someone can love another unconditionally whether they've been abused by them or not. Basically, Spencer tells Toby she wrote the speech about him even though they were trying to make us believe it was about Alison or something like that. While the ships are making out, Spencer notices Alison's gone!! GOMFGZ!!!!
Back with the Mother's, they're arguing over the fact that Rhys is A and Ella wants to go through more of the DiLaurentis' shit when something is happening in the basement?? Is it Kenneth? Is it A? While the Mother's are being fucking stupid and pulling one of their daughter's moves, the door fucking slams behind them and it's locked!!! OMFG!!!!! Also might I add that the DiLaurentis basement changed since Season 4? Okay moving on...
While Alison finally spots her brother and plays tag with him, Hanna demands to know why Caleb went to NYC and to tell her about the job. Apparently he's an analyst now who can stop hackers from hacking shit. And he wanted to be in NYC since that's where Hanna's going to college now and wants to support Hanna in all that good shit.
Back with the Mothers, Ashley demands to know why the door slammed and she is NOT taking the wind as an answer. As Ella is trying to break into more shit, a fucking ceiling lamp collapses onto the ground for no mother fucking reason! So now the mothers are in a cold, dark and danky basement with a massive thunderstorm locked up and nowhere to go.... Ew.
Alison's phone is ringing off the hook by her stalker, and he lets her know he has a close on her. She needs to use her eyes to see Charles, but she isn't playing fast enough for him. While she's looking around people are passing her, she FINALLY SEE'S CHARLIE D!!!!! OMFG!!!!
After Charles runs off and Alison runs after him, Clark see's Alison and Charles and goes after them WHO HAS A MOTHER FUCKING GUN!!! IS CLARK A... A COP?! The Liars and Co. reaches Clark who reveals he's an undercover policeman!! Alison is walking around the little attraction that's suppose to be a forest and someone is creeping up near her! As she continues to walk, she reaches a red cape with a mirror to the side of it. When she approaches the cape and mirror, it comes crashing down and she receives another text from Charles, "Now it's just the two of us..." Omfg what is Charlie planning?! When suddenly.,..OMMFG CHARLES GRABS HER FROM BEHIND!!! ALISON KICK HIM!!! RUN AWAY! DO SOMETHING!!!!
The group catches up and Haleb's off in the coat rooms while Aria's in the bathrooms and then Lorenzo shows up!!! Omg the whole group is in search of Charles and Alison!!!
Back at the DiLaurentis basement, Ashley tried to climb through a hole in the wall, with no luck. The mother's are feeling horrible as fuck when they realize what their daughters had been going through since Season fucking One. Yikes.
Back at Prom, Spemily finds Alison's dropped phone beside the broken mirror, and the Liar's meets up before...
Alison is seen running down the hallway, demanding to know where the fuck Charles is leading her. Finally at a dead end, Alison has to meet her fate. Turning to face Charles, they have a stare off before Alison pleads for Charles to talk to her.
Charles finally takes off her his? balaclava and Alison finally knows who her brother and the menacing bastard who tortured her and her friends finally is.
It's You... Oh my God.
Wasn't that an amazing episode?! The Mother's were HILARIOUS, Ali was searching for her long lost brother, the Liar's were on Alison's trail, OMFG OMFG OMFG I CAN'T WAIT TIL NEXT WEEK!!! EEEEK!!!
Keep Reading for a Recap of the First 2 minutes of GAME OVER, CHARLES... |
Five Pretty Little Liars are running through Radley Sanitarium. After they get on the roof, Alison demands that Charles does not fucking jump off the roof of the building. Police cars are all parked outside Radley looking up at the monstrous bastard that is -A. I guess for some reason A put on the Balaclava or they did that because they knew the first two minutes were gonna be released. Alison begs Charlie not to jump, and Spencer tells him that just because he finally revealed who he is, the game is NOT over yet!
Emily: Don't do this to your sister!
Aria: You spent your whole life trying to get back to your family! It's not too late!
Hanna: You've been such a bitch to us! But we've heard your story! We understand!
Charles raises his arms up, ready to jump...
Liars: NO!!!!!!!
Back at the prom, Hanna is desperately trying to contact Mr. DiLaurentis when we hear the moms screaming for help down in the basement. The Liars promised Toby to stay put and Sara comes up telling them Tanner has A LOT of questions for them all. Aria tells Emily to trust Charlie D won't hurt Alison, but Charlie D DID run his car through Emily's living room... A shuffle is made an Aria spots a person in red...OMFG!!! And tells everyone they are not alone...
Wasn't this an amazing episode you guys?! And the first two minutes of Game On, Charles OMFG!!!! I can't wait for next Tuesday!!! Leave a comment and I'll get back to you!