Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Good Day, Pretty Little Upper Eastside Readers!

Wakey Wakey Pretty Little Upper East Side Readers!

You may not know me, but if you do, then you know exactly how I roll. My name is Katrina, and I am the proud writer of the Pretty Little Liar's recaps on the PLL Wikia. Writing recaps of TV shows branches out as part of my love for writing. Seriously, I have written a lot through my time of being on the Net. I've recapped Pretty Little Liars episodes(which they will be transferred here), I'm thinking about recapping One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl(G.G. will be coming ASAP!!) and I'll even think about updating you on my life here. Sounds fun, yes? I hope so. 

So how am I going to start this awesome blog up? Why, with a recap of course!! You can expect THREE recaps: Pretty Little Liars 607 No Stone Unturned(I'm dreading recapping this filler TBTH) and 608 O Brother, Where Art Thou? Which is rumored to be an action packed super episode!(We shall see!) My third recap, might you ask? You may have already guessed it... I'll be recapping Gossip Girl 1x01 Pilot. Mind you, I'm already on G.G. 203 The Dark Night... Actually, the Pilot recap might be in bullets and I'll touch on the important parts of the episode. 

If you're just so bored waiting for the new recaps, never fear! My old recaps will be copy and pasted here ever so shortly!! Until then?

You Know You Love Me,



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