Pretty Little Liars
5x24 I'm A Good Girl, I Am – Last 10 Minute Recap of the Episode
5x25 – Welcome to the Dollhouse – The Entire Episode Recap - Completed!
I'm A Good Girl, I Am
As we go into recapping the last ten minutes of I'm a Good Girl, I Am, Andrew and Aria are flirting relentlessly with each other. I think we have a new ship on our hands, and we should graciously push Ezria off our screens. Who's with me?! Anyone...? Anyone... at all? Well, okay then...
Hanna is looking utterly bored in jail. Poor girl. She's even being forced to read a really huge book. OH MY GOD THE HORROR! HANNA MARIN READING A... Oh yeah, that's right she read half the entire Crime genre in 4A. Duh. Lol, I remember something from 4A... ROFL...
In da court roomz, the Jury is ready to give their verdict. We're shown three of the Pretty Little Idiots – I mean – Liars... and those annoying twin freaks are shoving their grinny little faces behind Spencer, Aria and Emily. Well no they're not grinning yet but... you know what I mean!!
Judge: Have you reached a verdict?
Juror 1: We have, Your Honor.
They show the PLL's faces before the final verdict's announced...
Juror 1: In the Case of the Commonwealth VS Alison [Lauren] DiLaurentis, we the Jury find the defendant Guilty in the Murder of the 1st Degree.
OOOOOH ALISON GONNA GETTTTTT IT NOW, FOLKZ!!!!! That poor girl!! She OBVIOUSLY didn't do it, but does the Jury understand that?! HELL NO!!! The Lawyer even fucking PROVED Ali couldn't have done it with a mother fucking fruit! SHE PROVED IT! But no, Alison is proven GUILTY?! This has Big -A written all over it!!
Spencer, Aria and Emily begin to cry and stands up to watch everyone take Alison away to her chambers! AND LOOK HOW CINDY AND MINDY ARE GRINNING THEIR TWIN LITTLE FACES OFF WHILE ALISON IS LEGIT...LEGIT... CRYING!! WHAT BITCHES!!
Judge: [Gravel]BOOM BOOM BOOM... ORDER!
Suddenly Aria looks behind her and sees Tanner with two other RW PO's! SHE KNOWS WHAT'S COMING UP NEXT!! She and the others are gonna be #Arrested for the #AssociationofGuilt!! The girls get strip searched, insert their prints, they get their pictures taken and then BOOOOM! BEHIND BARS, BITCHES!!
We see -A driving a jail car along with four little dolls resembling the PLL's driving off to A's toy castle with Alison's doll standing in the window. A takes Aria's doll and sets her behind the draw bridge and closes it. She or He then proceeds to pick up those flowers men gets for their proms and dances and holds it up to a suit hanging up. IS -A A MALE?! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?! WILL THERE BE A DANCE OR SOMETHING IN THE FINALE?!?!(Snoooort...) KEEP READING BELOW LOVES AND FIND OUT!!! This is gonna be a fantastic ReCap and this is just the beginning!
RecAp Fades to Black...
RecAp Fades Back In...
Welcome to the Dollhouse RecAp
AN: Before we head into the Finale recap, I just wanna say... I AM SO EXCITED TO BE WRITING UP A RECAP FOR THIS EPISODE!!! I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS EPISODE... Even though a lot of you say you hated it... which I still hope you read this recap...please?... I AM SO EXCITED!!! So let's dish into this episode HUZZAH!!!!
Previously on Pretty Little Liar's...
Liars Goin' To Jail, Yo!!
We see the Pretty Little Liar's sitting in a police vehicle being taken to a completely different jail than Alison. Hanna feels pissed the fuck off because they're going to jail for the murder of Mona Vanderwaal, even though they were technically charged as accessories. Aria mentions something about a Chain-Gain, but everything still stands. The poor little girl's are going to jail. Hanna explains to the others the process of being put in jail...or at least what jail feels like. Apparently, Cha... I mean, -A sent in an anonymous tip which Hanna
learned from someone in the laundry room and then he goes on to explain how they're going to be split up. Emily asks Hanna what jail is like, and Hanna goes on to explain that it doesn't matter if you did or didn't do it, they still treat you like a wanted criminal. Hanna continues that you feel nothing but ashamed when the lights goes out and you feel small and alone and stuff like that... Oh my God, just get to the good part already!! God!
Hanna: You can't be ready for how it feels, Em. You can't give up on that.
Spencer says no more what happens, they may be able to take them away from each other, but their hearts will always remain intact with one another. Aww, how sweet! Once they perform a Power of Four moment with hugs, kisses, and all that good jazz....
The vehicle starts to move all over the god damn place!! The girls are throw all over the fucking place like it's a god damn or... you know what, never mind. The car finally stops moving and Aria hilariously tells us that she totally pee'd her pants!! HAHAHA ARIA!!! The lights to the van goes out and the Liar's hears the driving guard dude person thing getting his life choked out of him!! Something starts to crawl to the back of the van, and they're attempting to unlock the doors. Spencer orders the girls to stand back and then OMMFG THEY'RE FACE TO FACE... well technically face to mask... WITH BIG A!!! AHHHH!!! Big A holds up a gun which I totally knew what it was, and he shoots out a ball of knock out gas!!! HO-LY SHIT!!! I actually kinda predicted this scene the night before, but I thought the gas would slowly creep out from the front to the back of the car, but this is totally better!! Big A basically shot the bitches with a ball of gas!! While the girls are freaking out and all that shit, Big A jumps into the car and prepares the take the girls away...
We come back to the Houz of zee Hastingz where Off-A-Suh Tobias Cavanaugh is explaining that the girls were kidnapped, but he's using all these fancy words cause Mama Superior and Daddy Hastings totally understands them. Well yeah, they are lawyers after all, but that's not the point... I don't think... Apparently they found the guard dude who was infected with... um... you know what, I'm not even going to attempt to spell it. Anyone out there reading this recap who's into Science and what not can tell me what the fuck Toby just fucking said. Something about Flu... Yeah, I'm not gonna even attempt it. OHHH but wait, Peter told us people who AREN'T into science that it's the date rate drug! You know, I don't understand something. Why couldn't Big A just kill the guard? I mean he... or she... cough cough... already has, what? Two murders on their hands? Jessica and Bethany, right? Is there a third? Mona I guess, but we all know where that leads us... Mama Superior is finally starting to put the pieces together, although I have no idea why Toby just couldn't tell them about Big A, although the scene coming up which I will obviously be going over, totally made it worth Toby not telling Mama Superior and Daddy H about Big A. Daddy Hastings accuses Alison of doing all this, but even Toby admits Alison can't pull off something like this.
Side Note: I just want to say... it's beyond bullshit that Laura Leighton was credited with this episode, and she doesn't even fucking appear. Not fair, PLL, not fair at all!
Spencer smashin' the window of the DallHouse!! The next scene, we see the Pretty Little Liar's in their own bed rooms waking up from their slumbers. Hanna is banging on the door literally calling for Ashley. Then in Emily's room, her eyes falls on a camera which she could tell is totally watching her cause... well... you know, reasons, and then Aria is shown giving us her ARIA-EYES and she starts throwing fake ass books around the place. Lol... She runs for her closet and finds that there's a MOTHER FUCKING CEMENTED WALL BEHIND IT!! Seriously you guys, last night when I was watching this, I immediately was like, “OMG IF I WAS IN THIS FUCKING DOLLHOUSE I'D FEEL FUCKING CLAUTROPHOBIC!” ya know? I'm serious too, my claustrophobia gets really bad...
Aria in da DallHouse Back in Spencer's room, she takes a replica rocking chair(the one that Toby hand made for her back in like Season 2 or something) and she smashes the window which doesn't do any good because there's a cemented wall behind their too. SERIOUSLY HOW DO THESE GIRLS NOT JUST DROP TO THE FLOOR AND CRY?! Cause I know I'd fucking bawl my eyes out if I was in this situation! Actually Spencer does do that and looks at the cemented window with all the horror on her face!!!
Spencer's door opens and the voice(Is that really Janel on the intercom?!) orders Spencer to exit the room and follow some lighted pathway. God, I still don't understand how anyone can not go into a fucking panic attack. I mean forreal. Outside in the most creepiest hallways ever, the Liar's finds each other and runs up to one another. They begin discussing where the fuck they are, and what the fuck is going on...
Hanna: I think we're in A's house!
Spencer: Yeah, A's dollhouse!
Emily: And we're the dolls.
They're finally getting a sense of panic while Janel's intercom voice tells them to follow the lighted pathway. Honestly, is it even Janel's voice? Cause the more I hear it, the more it doesn't sound like her...
Intercom: Please follow the lighted pathway!
Hanna: We heard you, Bitch!
LOL, OMG I LOVED Hanna in this episode!! Her lines were fucking amusing and they need Hanna to be more like this in Season 6 and 7! Please, please, please!! After they cross the pathway of glowing lights of -A, the Liar's finds themselves in a replicated Alison DiLaurentis living room with OMMFG IT'S ALISON?! IN HER YELLOW TOP?! WITH A MASK?! The girls creeps closer, and closer, Emily asks if it's really Alison cause she really wants to smash her lips with Alison's and then... and then... and then... OMMFG!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! IT'S MONA FUCKING VANDERWAAL!!! MONA. IS. ALIVE!!!!!! Whoa... I'm getting flashbacks to when I wrote my Grave New World recap... holy shit.
Mona: Mona? I haven't changed that much, have I?
It's revealed Big A turned Mona into a more psychotic bitch than she was already and declared herself as Alison DiLaurentis. God damn, Big A is a fucking mofo psycho if he... orrrr she... was able to twist Mona more than she was already. Holy fuckin' shit.
Back in Rosewood, not that I know if the girls aren't even in Rosewood anymore, Toby brings Ezra FitzFinckle... I mean Fitzgerald... to his place where Caleb is already residing, breaking into the police's databases. They're gonna do something with the camera's so they can see exactly where they could pinpoint where A and the girl's could be.
Back at the demented dollhouse of doomery, Mona is serving the Liar's tea and cookies. While Mona is playing the role of Alison, the Liar's are trying to understand what the fuck is going on. Emily is having panic attack after panic attack trying to find a way out of the dollhouse while Spencer is asking questions like “Where are we? What is this place?” But all Mona does is tell her they're in her(or Alison's) living room.
Mona: Why do you have to be such an imbecile?
LMFAO, I dunno why but hearing Mona call Spencer an imbecile was hilarious as fuck! Mona offers Hanna a cookie while making an attempt at her weight, even though it probably killed Mona inside that she had to do that. Emily tells Mona they all thought she was dead, but I don't get why the Liar's can't understand that Mona has to do the stupid roleplaying game. Like figure it out bitches and play along already! Aria of all people figures out she has to play along and is about to ask Mona a question, but Mona offers more tea and Big A sends off a chime indicating she needed to go do her roleplaying duties. Honestly, this is still fucking nuts and I'm re watching this a day after it aired. Holy shit. Mona takes the girls into a child's bed room and Spencer's eyes immediately sets sight on some blocks that are TOTALLY A CLUE... No I'm serious, it really is a clue, she just needs to figure it out.
So then the Liar's and Mona gets into a game of Mystery Date. That's an old fucking game from I-Don't-Even-Know-When-It-Came-Out. Mona explains that the chimes means different things and four times means it's time to play a game, cause we all know A likes playing games. Mona reveals that the Mystery Date is actually filled with the Liar's boyfriends/girlfriend pictures from the Ice Ball. Aria flips out and tells Mona that she refuses to play the game! Another two chimes plays and Mona gets out invites to Big A's prom. Hanna has had enough of this bullshit and stands up to face a camera which technically stands up to A.
Hanna: You win. Okay, you can have us as your precious dolls, but if Caleb shows up here and you do ANYTHING to hurt him, I WILL kill you!
Mona: Hanna!
Hanna: NO! You're not Alison, you're Mona! Okay?! And this is not your house! You're not here alone anymore, there are five of us! And one of him, her, it, BITCH!
Emily: Let's find a way out of here!
Mona: I am Alison! Alison DiLaurentis!
Hanna: MONA, LET'S GO!!!
Suddenly alarms are blaring off and they're LOUD mother fuckers!! A obviously got pissed off and is now torturing the bitches even further. Mona runs to her room and tells the Liars that the alarms won't turn off until they're all in their own bed rooms. They run to them and SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, BANG, BOOM! The alarms are off.
Back at Toby's, Caleb is working hard on getting access to camera's and shit so they can see exactly when the girls were kidnapped. But then they realize A just overrode the camera's and is mocking the boys with some cartoon I don't even understand. There must be a message or something with the cartoon, right? Does anyone know what this cartoon is?! Ezra is pissed off because he still loves Aria(typically) and punches the wall. Caleb quickly explains some mumbo jumbo I completely do not understand at all. Something that can prove to Tanner Big A exists and took control of the police van.
Back at the dollhouse, Hanna is asleep which I honestly don't understand how anyone can sleep in that creepy fucking place. She gets woken up by someone at her door, and she starts freaking out, but it's only Mona with a lantern.
Mona: Come on, we have three minutes!
Mona leads the Liar's around the dollhouse and explains where and what everything is. There's a silo to the whatever direction it's in, but that's too tall to climb(A just loves to tease) and then there's a vault thingy which Mona has no idea what lies in it so she can't go in there. Emily asks what happens if they don't get back in time and Mona informs that “it” leaves them without food and water for days upon days. Seriously, I feel horrible for Mona! She's been in the dollhouse since the fucking Summer Finale so imagine how long she had to endure this shit!(6-7 months. That's fucking crazy) A even loops Mona's mother's crying at her damn funeral. What a sick and demented piece of shit!
Mona: Is my Mom okay?
Hanna: You know you're Mona.
Mona: It wanted me to become Alison so that's who I am when it's watching. It think it beat me, but I'm still here! I'm the one who's still winning the game! Is she okay? My Mom?
They explain to Mona that Alison was convicted of Mona's death and they were charged for accessories to murder. Then we receive this hilarious line from Mona and then from Aria:
Mona: I didn't think you were wearing those as a fashion statement.
Aria: Yep, she's Mona.
Hanna finally hugs her best friend and all is sorta-kinda-not really... right in the world. Clanging could immediately be heard and Mona realizes that their time is running out. OMG OMG OMG RUN BITCHES, RUN!! I DON'T WANT THEM TO BE WITHOUT FOOD FOR DAYS!!! RUNNNN!!!
We're then taken to the Woman's Correctional Facilities where Daddy H and Mama Superior goes to see Alison, who is in chains. Alison sits down at the table and asks how Spencer and the others are doing, while Papa Hastings blasts Alison's ass. Mama Superior shocks Alison by asking if she knew where Spencer was and Alison legit becomes worried for Spencer and the others. Papa Hastings gives Alison a threat that if she spews out one more lie to them, Papa H will basically kill Alison right there in the room.
Alison: I don't know where they are. But I do know who took them.
Mama Superior(Veronica): We're listening.
Alison: It's A.
Alison FINALLY explains to Mama S and Papa H that -A came back after Mona went to Radley. Alison goes on to tell them that -A, or Big -A, is the most dangerous A to date.
Alison: This A is more dangerous than ever. They killed my Mom and Mona.
Papa H: Oh come on, if you really believed that why didn't you go to the police?!
Alison: Hanna tried, but there wasn't any proof! There never is!
The conversation goes on with Peter trying to make Alison admit that she's behind everything, but she really and truly isn't. Maybe instead of wasting your time trying to get Alison #Confess to her #FalsifiedCriminalisticActz, you should be, oh, I dunno, FINDING YOUR DAUGHTER YOU ASSHOLE!! GOD DAMMIT!
Back at A's Lair, Big A is using their camera controls to spy on the Liar's some more. Spencer is lying in bed trying to figure the fuck out who A could be. She has this flashy moment where she's in the children's bedroom or whatever and she remembers the blocks which are an anagram for Charles. CHARLES?! AS IN THE DAISY SPOILED CHARLES DILAURENTIS?! THE PLOT THICKENS!!! Spencer wakes up from her Detective Dream and immediately realizes something!!
Spencer: It has a name!
OMG A HAS A NAME!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! SO LIKE, A WASN'T THEIR FIRST NAME?! Lmfao I crack myself up, I really do.
The next morning, A wakes up Mona and reveals he left a present for her in Alison's name. Mona's confused at first, but finds the box and opens it and OMFG IT'S THE GAS MASK!! YOU KNOW THE GAS MASK THAT EZRA WAS IN, BUT NOW I REALLY THINK BIG A WAS IN!!! HOLY SHIT!!! Yeah I dunno if Gas Mask A was really Charles or Ezra...Oh well.
Big A, or Charles whoever you wanna call him, also gave Mona a note.
“Because you're my favorite. -A”
After the note, Mona asks Big A if he'd like her to put the gas mask on, which he says yes to. I'm sorry, but this dude is a fucking psycho kinky mother fucker. I don't know what his motives are, but the fact that he wasted his time building a fucking dollhouse just to “play” with the five girls is mother fucking crazy. God dammit.
Toby decides to bring all his #Evadunce to Tanner who pretty much things he's wasting her precious little time. After Toby is finished with this fact giving, Tanner reveals that some lab analyst did the same thing and now she's sending out an APB for Caleb. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! THE BOYS ARE BASICALLY DOING YOUR JOB AND YOU SEND OUT AN APB FOR HIM!? YOU LITTLE BITCH!!! Just because Caleb hacked into the system means he already knows where Hanna is and is somehow involved with Big A Charles or some shit. What a fucking little squeeze!
Charles sends the girls down to a creepy basement place and it's revealed he wants them to set up a prom. Aria is in charge of music, Emily and Spencer are in charge of the décor while Hanna is in charge of food and beverages. Hanna rolls her eyes and glares up at Charles(camera wise), “Bite me!” Mona continues to roleplay as Alison and reminds Spencer of the time Alison rigged the Class President elections during the Season 2 Halloween episode. Mona goes on to ask Spencer for help, only if Charles doesn't mind, and she clues the others in, telling them she got a gas mask from Charles and wondered if they got one too. They all shake their heads, and poor Hanna tells them she's pretty much scared to death.
Back at Toby's, Caleb is still hacking away when Mama Superior and Daddy Hastings comes to the door revealing they finally know about A! AND they want to help!! FINALLY!!! FUCKING. FINALLY!!! THE PARENTS ARE IN THE KNOW!!! YES!!!!
Back at A's basement or dungeon or whatever the fuck it is, Spencer decides she has had ENOUGH with A's fucking antics! Then something in her head clicks and the light bulb goes off. She's finally playing along with -A, and we all know damn well she has a plan cooking in her head. She and Mona plans out a Night of the Opera theme since that was the prom theme for Melissa and Ian and the get to work, and then we're back to...
At Toby's, The Clue Crew is discussing what they need to do to get the PLL's back safe and sound. They can't go to Tanner because she's a stupid bitch who only tries to make shit right for herself, for Mama Superior decides to go to the Media instead. Papa H actually has someone who owes him a favor, but the boys quickly shoots down the plan cause Charles, who they only know as A, will fuck up their lives if the media gets hold of this. Papa H see's some boxes and goes to open them, but Ezra warns Papa H that if he opens those boxes, all the girls' secrets AND the Hastings' secrets will get exposed! Veronica takes her husbands hands and looks at him in the eyes.
Mama Superior: No more secrets.
Ezra receives a text saying the Po-Po are downstairs and they want to come up to question Caleb, and he decides it's high time to start running. Of all people, Mama S and Papa H are in support of this. They know this shit is getting out of control, and the cops ARE corrupt so they're letting Caleb break some laws. This is so fucking amazing and great to see the Hastings' support in this! I'm also glad they were able to get BOTH the parents for this. Just seeing the parents partnering up with the boyfriends against -A is fucking amazing!! Melissa calls Mama Superior and Mama S tells Melissa everything. Then all of a sudden, we're shown the ONE AND ONLY SCENE with Andrew hacking into Mama Superior's phone call to listen to what the fuck is going on. What the fuck?! Where did Andrew Fuckin' Campbell even come from?! Go the fuck away and get off my screen, Andrew!!
The girls meet up as the usual time when the electricity gets shut down, and they discuss Charles and why he'd want to keep Mona as Alison alive. For some reason, Alison is his favorite. Why? I have no fucking clue. This is getting so fucking ridiculous, yet it's getting so fucking BETTER!! They reveal they're planning something huge, and Spencer thinks she can make it to the vault in time, but she can't and Mona knows this. Mona is so awesome to know what the hell Spencer is thinking lmfao. The gist of the scene? They're determined to take down Charles!
The next day, they're back to the dungeons where their prom is going to be. Spencer is totally in-game with this whole dollhouse roleplaying thing A has going, but Emily is NOT having it! Nope, no way, not Emily! Em decides she's #TakingAStand against Big A and she refuses to participate in his games.
Emily: Why are you making this easy for A! Oh my God, drapes?! Thanks A! I'm so excited I get to have my Senior prom in a dungeon!!
By this time last night when I was watching it live, I immediately figured out they were planning this fight. It reminded me a lot of Season 2 when they were on community service. Spencer rolls her eyes and basically tells Emily to fuck off and she KICKS HER ARM! LMFAO!!! While they fight, Big A immediately watches the fight with his camera's and Spencer calls Emily a quitter!!
Spencer: That's what you do isn't it Emily? You quit things when they're too much for you, you just throw in the towel. I mean you quit the swim team, you quit Paige, you even quit Maya!
Emily pushes Spencer into the decorations and they begin a brawl!! Mona immediately runs to the supplies so she can steal some for what they're REALLY planning. So yes, this whole fight was indeed staged. Spencer and Emily are the pro's at staging fights like this. Anyway, Mona gets all she needs and Spencer and Emily immediately makes up and becomes besties again. Spencer smirks and gives A a look like, “You're going down, asshole!”
At the Precinct, Caleb is finally brought in for questioning. Tanner is the most fucking stupidest bitch on PLL I have ever fucking seen. She's so selfish, self absorbed, way too confident, and thinks she has to be right all the fucking time. Like get the fuck over yourself you fucking BITCH and listen to Caleb, because he's a better cop than you and Holbrook combined!
Back at A's dungeon, Spencer, Aria and Mona are finishing up decorating for prom. Emily and Hanna joins them and they are all set for the prom! Mona gives Aria the camera which we can assume will be the weapon used against Charles. The announcer chick, who isn't the voice of Janel, tells the Liar's and Mona to go back to their rooms and Emily assures Hanna they will beat -A.
Back at the Precinct, Caleb is hacking into A's systems and he FINALLY finds out where A's Lair is! Tanner tries to talk him into telling them what he knows, but he's obviously too annoyed by the way she talks to him. Toby though is more friendly towards Caleb. Tanner wants to make sure the van is where it's at, and she places her hand of assurance on Caleb's shoulder but LMMFAO HE SMACKS IT OFF!! TANNER YOU HAD YOUR CHANCES, BUT CALEB WILL FOREVER HATE YOUR ASS!! WITH GOOD REASONS TOO!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!
Back at the Dollhouse, the girls go back to their rooms to find dresses set out for them. Aria turns back to the girls.
Aria: A thought of everything!
And then their door's slam shut. BOOM BA DUM DUM TSSSS... Yeah don't ask, LMFAO!
Back with Toby, the cops finally finds A's lair! Kinda. The van was found empty, so now Tanner's giving orders and she calls it a possible hostage situation and Toby just glares at her like he wants to fire rounds into the bitches chest. LOL, we have our Toby back!!!
At the dollhouse, the Liars are in the dungeon getting ready for the most creepiest prom ever. Safe to say, I don't think they'll be attending their real Senior Prom. A took it to the max
The most CREEPIEST PROM EVER! and has all these mannequins with Phantom masks and we all know he's somewhere around there, right? After the lights turn on, the Liar's walks down the steps and they're looking around knowing they are not alone. As the camera zooms all over the place, they reveal that Charles is there!! And I will admit, his mask looks really fucking cool to honest! When the scene comes back, Mona appears in the Alison mask and the voice announces Alison DiLaurentis as Prom Queen. That's when the plan goes into motion and the Liar's begins to coax Charles into revealing himself so he can be Prom King. When Charles walks out into the open, Aria is holding the camera but Spencer is like, “Don't do it too late, you fuck everything up Aria, don't fuck this up!”
HAHAHA JUST KIDDING!!! I have to put some Aria jokes in there somewhere, right? Then when the time was right, Aria detonated their trap and Charles Big A is totally confused! The Liar's runs for all their might, looking for a way to get the fuck out of the dollhouse!
Back with the police, Papa H and Mama Superior finds where everyone's at. They realize they're at the Campbell Farm. Are you fucking kidding me? Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me? WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF RELEVANCE DOES ANDREW HAVE?! HE WAS IN ALL OF WHAT, FOUR-FIVE EPISODES SPORADICALLY?! Toby opens a hatch or whatever they're called and he finds A's lair!! FUCKING FINALLY!!! SHOW IT TO TANNER SO SHE CAN GET HER FUCKING HEAD OUT OF HER COCKY FUCKING ASS, WILL YOU TOBES?! Fuck.
We're back at the Dollhouse of Dolliness, and Spencer can finally gain access to the Vault. We can hear the voices of the other Liars, and Spencer quickly finds out this isn't like the other rooms of the dollhouse. This is a room that features pictures of real humans, not dolls. And it looks to be more like an old fashioned theater. A manages to get the electricity back on, and the song Marlene showed us months ago is playing in this scene. Some song that has Walking After Midnight in it. Also there's a group of mannequins resembling the DiLaurentis family. Interesting. Spencer finds the tapes of a video that she turns it on revealing...
The video is the DiLaurentis family at the Campbell Orchard. Jessica is holding a baby Alison while Little Jason and another boy who kinda looks identical is watching. Jessica smiles and tells the boys how good they are, and they go back to picking up apples.
Spencer and her possible brother Big A Charles.
IS CHARLES JASON'S TWIN BROTHER?!?! IS CHARLES SPENCER'S BROTHER?! DOES THIS MEAN THAT SINCE SEASON FUCKING THREE(I'm calling it from Season 2 at least, there's no way Charles wasn't involved in any way shape or form in that season) JASON'S TWIN STOLE THE GAME FROM MONA?!?!? HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!
Spencer comes face to face with her brother, and I think he was legit gonna let Spencer see his face, but Mona fucking blew it! She comes into the vault, and Charles is GONE! Now was Charles really going to attack Spencer? I doubt it, because he doesn't give a fuck if he attacks one Liar or more than one. We have seen him do it in A is for Answers, right? Yes I think this is the same A that was on the rooftop who was holding a gun to Ezra, and it was NOT Shana.
Mona(after picking up a picture): This is not how I thought it was going to be. A has a soul!
FINALLY... FINALLY... FUCKING FINALLY Tanner turns on the camera's and FINALLY SEE'S that the Liar's, Ali included, ARE NOT LIAR'S ANYMORE!! She see's footage of Hanna telling A off AND MONA IS IN VIEW ALIVE THANK GOD!!! ALISON IS INNOCENT!!!(Duh!!) I'm surprised that Tanner can keep an emotionless face even AFTER she finds
Tanner expressionless after seeing Mona Alive. out Mona is alive and the girls are innocent. Seriously, you have to emotionally crack sometime, Tanner!!
The Liar's escapes to a fenced in place outside and the electricity is still out, so Emily runs to the fence to climb it, but A turns the electricity back on.
Spencer: STOP!!!
Seriously, I loved this episode. I LOVED IT! This was the BEST Season 5 episode ever and it really did feel new and fresh. I honestly can't wait til Season 6 and I give this episode 10 Stars, A+.
I know a lot of people hated this episode, but why? Mona's alive, someone nobody predicted(although Marlene said some has predicted it) is -A and could be Jason's possible twin. This is new and fresh, you guys! I love that the show is going in its own direction and I can't wait to see how the Season 6 premiere plays out!
Thank you for reading my Finale Recap, and I truly do hope you'll join me in 601: Game On, Charles this Summer.
Have a great day!!
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