Monday, September 14, 2015

'Yo! Get the fuck outta my way!' Shoppers Hogging the Aisles.

Okay so, I just recently went to the grocery store recently and everything was all fine and dandy. I was walking through the aisles, getting the food I wanted, my laundry pods, my coffee creamer, my soy milk, etc etc. Then I got to the fucking aisles where the fucking moron shoppers were just standing there going "Weeeeelllll, what shall I take from the shelf?" and they just fucking stand there being a complete fucking IDIOT when you want to take your fucking large cart and go on your merry fucking way!! WHY do people do this? This is the biggest public pet peeve I have and it makes me want to rip peoples faces off and shove them down their fucking throats! Get the fuck out of our way, you fucking morons!! Stick to the SIDES of the aisles and don't stand in the fucking middle doing ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING so the shoppers, who are actually fucking shopping, can take the shit we need and get the fuck out of there?! God fucking dammit... 

And it's not even the people who fucking stand in the middle of the aisles, it's also the people who stands IN FRONT of the fucking ENTRANCES to the aisles and looked in the fucking aisles to see if they need something from them. TAKE A QUICK GLANCE PEOPLE!! Don't fucking stand there with your fucking carts in the way because OMFG YOU'RE IN THE WAY OF OTHER PEOPLE!!!!

Fucking stupid fucks... 

Sorry for this rant post, I just needed to say my thing... I'm getting something really fucking cool in the mail soon so expect a really cool blog post soon!!


1 comment:

The Jacked Maverick said...

Wow, you have a potty mouth... I like it. XD �� Don’t worry, I like when you rant. You give us personal stories that I can relate to. Lol. We’ve all been there with idiot shoppers. XD